Reach Highly Engaged
Mobile Users

To hit your ROAS & LTV goals with AppTower’s Discovery Platform

Rewarded Ad Format

Get Access to Millions Valuable Users who will love your app

Time-based algorithm
Users discover the games they like, and receive rewards for their time spent. Our signature rewarding algorithm transform players into genuine users who’ll like your app.
Direct Network
Discover the new, untouched audience, available only on AppTower Discovery platform.
Advanced Anti-Fraud
Enjoy the high standards of fraud prevention on AppTower. Network, ensuring any suspicious users filtered out in advance.

AppTower’s ROAS Optimizer

Age & Gender
Choose the right demographics
to acquire users, who’ll bring maximum value in our app.
App Genre
Show your ads to the users
with similar app genres installed on their devices.
App Similarity (AI)
Our signature AI algorithm
will identify users who’ll most likely engage with your App with a granular precision.
US, Europe,
Based in UK,

Plus Games unlocks new UA channel with 27% Higher ROAS

Founder, Plus Games
“We can see higher Retention and ROAS D30 with AppTower, compared to organic or traditional in-app video ads UA channels. I got some useful insights from AppTower’s team about the demographics of most engaged players, thanks to the first party data access.”

Ready to reach your goals?